Saturday, February 22, 2014

Apple Distinguished Program Award Renewal

iAchieve's Apple Distinguished Program designation was again renewed for 2013-2015. There is an application process for the renewal to ensure the project is moving forward and aligned to Apple's requirements of Visionary Leadership, Innovative Learning and Teaching, Relevant and Timely Professional Development, Compelling Evidence of Success, and Flexible Learning Environment. Here is the iBook created for the application: Project iAchieve Arizona.

Part of being an Apple Distinguished Program is to host Apple Site Visits during the school year. These visits are supported and sponsored by Apple but hosted by the school or district receiving the award. Site visits typically include a presentation about the project, visits to project classrooms to see mobile devices in action, a student and teacher panel, and time for sharing and questions.

iAchieve recently hosted a site visit on February 11, 2014:

Several of the third graders were creating oral reading fluency recordings using Voice Memos on their iPod touches.

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