Monday, August 12, 2013

Flipped Training 2013, Day Three

Day Three: Technology Supporting Learning

This was a long but very productive day for everyone. One of the most valuable things we have discovered for ensuring the success of a technology integration project is developing classroom procedures, consequences for misuse, and effective management. Working in grade level bands, the teachers each developed a set of procedures, classroom consequences, and management guidelines for their students. They included topics such as how the iPads will be distributed and returned to the cart, how they will be taken home each day, what happens when a student is using the iPad properly, and what they should be doing at home. 

Afterward, the rest of the day was spent on configuring the iPads. Since the teachers will be responsible for uploading flip learning videos and sharing other content with students, they really need to have a feel for how everything works. Setting up the cart and syncing their own iPads helps develop a strong sense of ownership. Our continuing teachers reported that this was one of the most valuable things they did last year.

We did a working lunch on this day and brought in pizza for everyone to share. While we ate and worked, we watched Adam Bellow's inspiring closing keynote from the ISTE 2013 Conference.

You can watch Adam's keynote address here.

Check back a review of our Day 4 learning and sharing.

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Our Flipped Classroom Adventures by Suzanne Sallee is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.