Sunday, August 11, 2013

Flipped Training 2013, Day Two

Day Two: Making a Dent in the Universe, Part 2

This was an exciting day for our new flipped learning teachers as they received their teacher iPads. We reviewed some basic operations, set up their district email on the iPads, and created DropBox accounts that they could access both on their iPads and their laptops. Having both email and DropBox set up on the iPads has really helped our teachers be able to access instructional content from the iPad, share with each other, and communicate with each other and their students.

The rest of the day was spent learning about specific apps for instruction, including QuickOffice Pro HD and Explain Everything (our favorite whiteboard app for the iPad!). Both of these have DropBox and Google Drive integration making them very flexible for teachers.  iTunes U was introduced to the teachers and they got connected to our flipped classroom iTunes U course to give them access to the concepts and resources being used during the week.

There was lots of investigation into student apps and websites that are easily accessible from the iPads.

Check back for the next post on the Day 3 Flipped Learning PD!

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Our Flipped Classroom Adventures by Suzanne Sallee is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.