Sunday, November 4, 2012

Interstate iPad Education

During Fall break I went to visit my daughter in California. She is a second grade teacher at a small school in northern California. It's a K-5 school in a very nice community.

At the end of last school year, they purchased iPads for all of the teachers. The teachers had them over the summer so that they could get to know their iPads. However, they really needed some direction and education in how to use them within the classroom and as a teacher productivity tool.

During my visit I had the opportunity to go to school with my daughter since they do not have a Fall break. With her Principal's approval, we scheduled some time after school for me provide training and education on using the iPad as an instructional tool in the classroom.

We discussed several different ways to mirror (project) the iPad screen in the classroom. Since all of the teachers have projectors and document cameras, that is where we started. I mentioned that simply displaying the iPad under the document can be very effective and their least expensive option. We also looked at the Apple iPad VGA Adapter (AKA: dongle) to connect the iPad directly to their projectors. A fairly reasonable cost at just $29.00 from Apple.

Of course I really wanted them to think about being "untethered teachers" and displaying their iPad screen wirelessly. This led our conversation to using either the Apple TV or software such as the Reflection App. I was actually able to model this for them using my laptop.

We then moved on to talking about apps. I modeled several interactive whiteboard apps such as Educreations, Explain Everything, and Doceri. The app discussion also covered apps for teacher productivity, math, and language arts. I followed up our session by providing them with a summary of what i shared so they could disuss their best options with their school technology committee.

They are a great group of teachers to work with and I hope to have an opportunity to share with them again. It's great being able to share across state lines!

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Untethered Teachers!

Not only do our students love being mobile but so do our teachers! We have equipped all of our flipped classroom teachers as well as over 40 additional classroom teachers with an iPad, Apple TV, and HD projector to use during instruction.

The teachers are using a variety of interactive whiteboard apps to create and present lessons, such as Educreations and Doceri. They also utilize an assortment of web based tools and videos.

Presenting an online image as a writing prompt.

While there is much to love about this set up, one of the most often heard comments is about being able to move around the classroom during instruction and see what kids are doing and provide one-on-one guidance to students - being "untethered".

One of our third grade flipped classroom teachers is especially good utilizing the iPad during his lessons. He seamlessly moves around the room, switching between apps, and providing one-on-one assistance to students as needed. Very masterful!

 If you would like to learn more about being an untethered teacher or using an iPad and Apple TV in the classroom, here are a some interesting articles:

Untethered Teachers: Using Apple TV in the Classroom

Apple TV in the Classroom - The New Smart Board

Apple TV in the Classroom

The iPad, Apple TV, and Classroom Management

Thursday, November 1, 2012

New iAchieve Logo?

One of our very creative students has created an iAchieve logo to use as the wallpaper on  his iPad. I think we might want to consider using it!
Creative Commons License
Our Flipped Classroom Adventures by Suzanne Sallee is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.